
Huntington Beach : Coastal Permit Process Eased for Minor Projects

Residents planning minor building projects will no longer need coastal development permits in most instances, thanks to a California Coastal Commission decision Friday.

The commission action came at the request of the city’s Planning Department, which had asked for exclusion of several project categories from the commission’s coastal development permit requirements. The action pertains only to Huntington Beach.

Excluded from the requirements are most residential areas, including the area covered by the Old Town Specific Plan, and one light industrial area.


Within specified geographical areas, projects no longer needing a Coastal Commission permit include erecting signs, grading when less than 100 cubic yards of material is involved, constructing fences and walls less than six feet tall and building additions costing less than $1,000.

Additionally, coastal permits for working at home, special events entertainment and building small irrigation systems are no longer required for those areas approved for exclusion by the commission.

The commission retained the right to issue permits for projects in certain geographical areas, said Florence Webb, a senior planner for the city.


The city cannot categorically exclude off-street parking projects or street closings as it had originally requested. Moreover, districts designated residential-agriculture, visitor-serving commercial or shoreline will still be subject to commission review, as will the oil-producing area, two downtown districts and a limited-use district, much of which is vacant, Webb said.

Municipal permits are still required in all areas. Residents with questions should call City Hall at 536-5271.
