
Ground Breaking Slated for Glendale Building

A ground breaking has been scheduled for Tuesday for a $15-million, eight-story office building to be constructed at 520 N. Central Ave., Glendale, by Donald L. Platz, owner of Dorn Platz Realtors.

Designed by Leason Pomeroy Associates, the 102,000-square-foot building is scheduled for completion in June, 1986. A four-story parking structure behind the building will be connected to the office tower.

The building will be constructed of poured reinforced concrete, the first example of a return to this type of construction in the area, according to Platz.


Design features include a two-story enclosed atrium lobby, typical full-floor areas of 12,700 square feet and expansive use of glass for views of downtown Glendale and the foothills, he added.
