
Compton : Council Acts to Shut Down ‘Rock Houses’

The Compton City Council has passed an emergency ordinance allowing “rock houses” in the city to be declared public nuisances and, if necessary, confiscated.

Although the district attorneys’ offices of Los Angeles and Orange counties have used similar tactics against houses from which illegal drugs are sold, Compton officials believe theirs is the first California city to pass an ordinance allowing the practice. Rock houses are so called because cocaine in solid form is sold from them.

Under the ordinance, passed unanimously last week, the City Council could declare a house a public nuisance and seek a court injunction prohibiting its further illegal use. Then, if the injunction is ignored, the court could authorize the city to do whatever the city deems necessary to stop the drug sales, including confiscation and closure or destruction of the property.


City Atty. Wesley Fenderson said his office has identified three locations that he plans to bring before the council for action as early as next week.
