
La Habra : City Council to Discuss 1986 Budget Proposals

The La Habra City Council will hold a study session Monday afternoon to discuss the budget for fiscal year 1986 beginning July 1.

The budget proposes a 10.3% increase in the general fund and an overall increase of 2%. The proposed general fund is $9 million in a total budget of $21 million.

The general fund pays for police and fire protection and other general city services.

City Manager Lee Risner said he does not anticipate a final vote until the council’s June 24 meeting. Risner said the proposed budget is balanced and does not call for any major changes in service other than the creation of two full-time positions in the Fire Department. The budget does not include any new fees or taxes, he said.


Monday’s session is scheduled for 5 p.m. at City Hall. The council’s regular meeting is scheduled Tuesday evening.
