

Regarding the Phil Collins controversy (Calendar Letters, June 16): As per usual, the anti-Hilburn letters fail to address the main ideas behind Hilburn’s review and instead blow out of proportion one issue--here, the repetition of the lyric “one more night.”

Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with repeating a lyric several times. It is only when it occurs within the context of banal and essentially shallow music that it becomes a virtual instrument of torture, dragging a lifeless song onward to its acceptable radio playlist length.

This is the sad case with “One More Night”; it is not with Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” or U2’s “Sunday Bloody Sunday,” where the choruses are an integral part of powerful music and do not simply function as “hooks.”


To more clearly delineate this difference, I suggest that Calendar’s year-end music reviews include the categories of “Best and Worst Repetitive Songs.” At this mid-year point, may I nominate: best--”Can’t Get There From Here” by R.E.M.; worst--Phil Collins with . . . um . . . what was that called again??


Costa Mesa
