
A Defense of Marcos

It was published in the newspapers that a Philippine official’s attache case with documents, $5,000 in travelers’ checks and $2,300 in cash was stolen while he was eating dinner with his family at a restaurant in New York City. It surprised me that he would have this much money when the Philippines is in such economic and financial trouble. His travel expenses are more than the salary of Ferdinand Marcos for one year as president.

These officials in Corazon Aquino’s Commission of Good Government are taking advantage to travel at the expense of the Philippine government to recover the hidden wealth of Marcos.

Assuming that Aquino’s government recovers what it claims is the hidden and unexplained wealth of Marcos, will this benefit the Filipino people, especially the poor, or will it go to the pockets of Aquino’s government officials and supporters?


It’s just the “turn of the table,” but maybe this time they are more wise so there will be no trace of unexplained wealth.

Poor Marcos, everybody wants a slice of his wealth, which he worked hard for 50 years as a successful lawyer, congressman, senator and president to get, aside from the properties he inherited from his parents.

I pity Marcos for all this bad and negative publicity. He is convicted like a criminal through the eyes and minds of the people without giving him a chance to defend himself and explain his side.


When he was in power Americans respected him, but now that they don’t need him (for the bases) they throw him to the “wolves.” These media people believe in “hearsay” and “gossip.” If you had been born and lived in the Philippines, you would know the “real color of Filipinos,” especially those who are in politics. Politics in the Philippines is “dirty.” Most Filipinos are “snakes.” They “dance with the music,” whoever is in power. They are capable of making up stories because they are hungry for publicity.

I challenge Corazon Aquino, if she is really sincere about cleaning up what she claims is the “cancerous” administration/government of Marcos, to remove Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos, not the local officials who were duly elected by the people.

Juan Ponce Enrile was the first one who enriched himself under the Marcos administration. He was the architect of the martial law. You are investigating all the friends and supporters of Marcos--why not Enrile and Ramos? This is unfair.



San Diego
