
Aid to Contras in Nicaragua

There he goes again! President Reagan is again on the stump, demanding $100 million in aid for the Nicaraguan contras, and insinuating that anyone who doesn’t want to pour more money down that rat hole is a Commie dupe or worse.

If the majority of the Nicaraguan people wanted to be rid of the Sandinistas, we would see them in the streets, as we have seen Poles and Filipinos in the streets. The threat of Russian tanks has held the Poles down, it is true--but Nicaragua is 5,000 miles from Russia. If enough Nicaraguans really wanted the Sandinistas out, out they would go.

The contras will take our money and our guns, but they will never overthrow the Sandinistas. All they can do is push them into the eager arms of the Soviet Union, and push us closer and closer to sending our own sons down into another jungle.


Why don’t we try seducing Nicaragua, instead of holding a knife to its throat? It worked with China. It could work with Nicaragua, maybe even Cuba.


San Luis Obispo
