

Herman Baca, chairman of the Committee on Chicano Rights, charged Wednesday that San Diego County Supervisor Susan Golding is “fomenting possible violence against aliens by bigots and racists” by alleging that police costs and social services for undocumented aliens are causing a serious drain on county revenue.

Golding announced Monday that she will ask the Board of Supervisors to approve a lawsuit against the U.S. government to recover millions of dollars spent by the county to arrest undocumented aliens and provide social services to them. She charged that the county is facing serious sewage and road maintenance problems and cuts in community programs because of funds spent on aliens.

Baca charged that Golding’s remarks are “pure fabrications, falsehoods and slander.” He quoted from two county studies done in 1977 and 1980 showing that aliens pay more in taxes than they get in public benefits. Baca said that the 1977 study estimated that aliens living in San Diego County at the time were paying $48 million annually in taxes and getting only $1 million in social services.
