
Expansion of Newport Center and Impact on the City

There is no worthwhile and beneficial way of stopping the growth of a community. Common sense dictates that we should, by well thought-out planning, accommodate the inevitable future growth of Newport Beach if we wish to maintain its vitality as a Class A city. That’s why we should approve the expansion of Newport Center.

The benefits and advantages far outweigh the few minor disadvantages in the development planned for the center and its peripheral area. This is quite evident when a thorough review of the environmental impact report is made.

The transportation circulation improvements alone far exceed any minor drawbacks in the planned development that may occur. These comprehensive highway improvements would not become a reality for many years, if ever, without the proposed completion of Newport Center.


Additionally, the plan would provide an increase in affordable housing, an improved business climate and more diverse shopping possibilities for residents.

To complement all of these benefits is the strong possibility that land will be donated by the project proponent for the development of a major cultural and community center complex for our city. All of these factors add up to a major benefit to Newport Beach.


Newport Beach
