
Boy Who Has Had 2 Heart Implants Undergoes Dilation of Main Artery

A 3-year-old Texas boy who underwent two heart transplants in two days remained in critical condition Saturday after doctors performed a balloon catheter dilation of a main artery, a hospital spokeswoman said.

The condition of Nicky Carrizales of San Antonio had been unstable at times Friday night but stabilized Saturday, said spokeswoman Anita Rockwell at Loma Linda University Medical Center. She said the child remained on maximum support systems.

Rockwell said the balloon dilation was performed to improve a mild constriction in the baby’s aorta, the main artery that carries blood from the heart to other blood vessels and organs.


She said surgery performed on the aorta when Nicky was an infant created stress on his new heart, and said the same stress point “undoubtedly contributed to the failure” of his first heart implant on Tuesday.

“He will not require further reconstructive surgery in the immediate future,” Rockwell said. “Everyone involved with Nicky is taking events one hour at a time.”

Nicky received the heart of a brain-dead Colorado boy--who was accidentally shot in the head by a playmate--during an operation ending early Thursday.
