
Times Ballot Recommendations : General Election Nov. 4, 1986 : The Candidates

The Times will not endorse this year in the contests for governor and U.S. senator because both attract sufficient attention to enable voters to reach informed decisions. In other partisan elections this year, we endorse candidates in Los Angeles and Orange Counties who are running for open seats in Congress and the state Legislature.

State Offices

Lieutenant Governor--Leo T. McCarthy (D)

Secretary of State--March Fong Eu (D)

Controller--Gray Davis (D)

Treasurer--Jesse M. Unruh (D)

Attorney General--John Van de Kamp (D)

Board of Equalization

2nd District--Conway Collis (D) 4th District--H. Stanley Jones (R)

U.S. House of Representatives

21st District--Elton Gallegly (R)

State Senate

16th District--Jim Young (D)

State Assembly

43rd District--Terry B. Friedman (D)

54th District--Edward K. Waters (D)

Justices of the Supreme Court

Rose Elizabeth Bird--YES

Joseph R. Grodin--YES

Malcolm M. Lucas--YES

Stanley Mosk--YES

Edward A. Panelli--YES

Cruz Reynoso--YES

Justices of the Court of Appeal

We recommend a YES vote on all incumbents: Vaino Spencer, Campbell M. Lucas, Robert R. Devich, Morio L. Fukuto, Elwood Lui, Armand Arabian, John A. Arguelles, David N. Eagleson, Steven J. Stone, Arthur Gilbert, Richard W. Abbe, Mildred L. Lillie, Earl Johnson and Leon Thompson.

Judge of the Superior Court

Office No. 1--Leon S. Kaplan Office No. 12--Bernard Kaufman

Judge of the Municipal Court

Pasadena Judicial District--Judson W. Morris

Los Angeles County Assessor

No endorsement

The Measures

State of California

Prop. 53: Bond issue of $800 million for school construction--YES

Prop. 54: Bond issue of $500 million for prison construction--YES

Prop. 55: Bond Issue of $100 million for clean drinking water--YES

Prop. 56: Bond issue of $400 million for college and university facilities--YES

Prop. 57: Limits pension payments for top state officials--YES

Prop. 58: Limits property taxes in parent/child home sales--NO

Prop. 59: Requires district attorney offices to be elective--YES

Prop. 60: Provides tax benefits on certain homes for residents over 55--YES

Prop. 61: Imposes arbitrary ceilings on public employees pay--NO

Prop. 62: Imposes limits on taxing powers of some, but not all, cities--NO

Prop. 63: Makes English the official language, with uncertain consequences--NO

Prop. 64: Allows for quarantine of persons with AIDS virus--NO

Prop. 65: Imposes rigid restrictions on handling of toxic substances--NO

County of Los Angeles

Prop. J: Bond issue of $96 million to expand overcrowded County jails--YES

City of Los Angeles

Initiative Ord. U: Adjusts zoning for 70% of Los Angeles commercial property--NO

Initiative Ord. V: Creates a new city office to advise on pension payments--NO

Charter Amend. W: Makes technical changes in processing of housing bond funds--YES

Orange County Candidates

U.S. House of Representatives: 40th District--Bruce W. Sumner (D)

State Assembly: 71st District--Doris Allen (R) 72nd District--Daniel E. Griset (D)

Justices of the Court of Appeal We recommend a YES vote on all incumbents: Daniel J. Kremer, Edward T. Butler, Jerry J. Lewis, Joseph B. Campbell, John H. Hews, John K. Trotter Jr. Thomas F. Crosby Jr., Sheila Prell Sonenshine and Edward J. Wallin.


Judge of Superior Court:

Office 5--William W. Bedsworth

Judge of Municipal Court: Office 9--James M. (Jim) Brooks Office 3--Richard Edwin Behn

Board of Supervisors: 4th District-- Jim Beam

County Recorder: Gregory Winterbottom


A: (Anaheim) Municipal code amendment to ban fireworks--YES

G: (Santa Ana) Charter change to elect mayor directly--YES

H: (Santa Ana) Charter change on mayor and ward voting--NO

M: (Seal Beach) City Bond Issue to buy surplus school site--YES

O: (Yorba Linda) Advisory measure to ban fireworks--YES

San Diego County Recommendations appear in Part II, Page 2 of The Times San Diego edition.
