
Voting by Mail

I would like to make a suggestion to save taxpayers money.

Let’ eliminate all voting precincts and have everyone vote by mail, like we have now for absentee ballots.

The voting turnout would be so much higher than now, as some working people do not take the time to stop on a voting day to cast their ballot.

The cost will be so much cheaper, as we would not need all of the following paid people: four to five precinct workers at each polling place, paid custodians and schools (for extra night work), homeowners for using their home as polling places, drivers and trucks, who deliver voting equipment to each polling place, extra phone people at main offices, police and helicopter services on voting day and so much more! Plus the very high cost of each voting machine.


I do hope each mailed ballot will be postage-free ---- to encourage more voters.


Huntington Park
