
New U.S. Law on Immigration

The new immigration law Congress is about the worst Congress could have come up with. It should be called The Illegal Alien Instantaneous Citizenship Act.

It is an insult to all those immigrants who have waited patiently for years to be admitted to this country and become citizens. It is totally biased in favor of the illegal alien and those who employ them, and ineffective in stemming the tide of illegals entering this country.

The only provision of the bill that is supposed to work against illegal immigration is the employer-sanctions section, and that doesn’t even take effect for 18 months, time enough for 10 million more illegals to come in once they realize how easy it will be to become permanent residents.


Those who profit from cheap labor will find it easy to evade the intent of the law. The Immigration and Naturalization Service must prove the employer knowingly hired an illegal before any action can be taken, and that will require a court trial. Given the overloaded situation of the courts and the readiness of the American Civi Liberties Union and other liberal organizations to take the side of the illegals, you can see how effective the sanctions provisions will be.

The rest of the bill is in favor of the illegal alien. The amnesty provision will work like a charm. All it takes is documents “proving” that the alien has been here since 1982 and they are on their way to citizenship. Fake documents can be purchased for a few bucks even now, and we can expect the preparation of such documents to become a new growth industry.

And the final insult is the agricultural workers citizenship provision. That has to be one of the greatest blunders that Congress, famous for its blunders, has produced in this century. All an illegal alien has to do is produce some fake documents or statements proving that he or she worked 90 days during the year in an agricultural occupation (any occupation will do) and permanent resident status is theirs. Once these millions get their citizenship they are entitled to bring in their next of kin. Get ready for the invasion of the 1990s.



