
U.S. Contacts Israelis on West Bank Unrest

United Press International

The United States is contacting Israeli authorities “to ascertain the facts” in the slaying by Israeli soldiers of four youths in demonstrations on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, a White House spokesman said Wednesday.

White House spokesman Larry Speakes was asked about the fatal shootings of youths in the context of President Reagan’s expression of outrage Wednesday against human rights violations around the world, particularly the Soviet Union. The President did not mention Israel.

Asked whether Reagan also deplores the killing of the youths protesting the military occupation of the West Bank, Speakes at first gave the routine reply that the U.S. “deplores the cycle of violence” in the Middle East.


A short time later, he read a statement to reporters, saying:

“We are contacting Israeli authorities to ascertain the facts. We regret the loss of life.” It was the first comment from the White House on the slayings.
