
Man Gets 162 Years in Sex Crimes Case

A man was sentenced Friday in Superior Court to serve 162 years in state prison for a string of sex crimes that included the kidnaping and enslavement of his victims.

Ronald Martin Gabriel, 34, of Encanto, was sentenced on 36 counts, including assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, assault with the intent to do great bodily harm, rape and other sex-related charges.

Gabriel, a bouncer at an East San Diego bar, took three victims to his residence on Radio Drive between March, 1984, and January, 1985, where he restrained them with chains and then whipped, beat and sexually assaulted them.


He also allowed other men and one woman to participate in the sexual assault of one of his victims. He threatened to kill his victims if they tried to escape and inform authorities, the victims said. One victim did try and was shot twice with a pellet gun.

Gabriel, who also was convicted of sex offenses in 1972 and 1976, was deemed a habitual sex offender, which tagged on an additional mandatory life sentence to his 162-year sentence.

Defense attorney Bill Youmans said he will appeal the case.
