
McCormick Chosen ’87 PCBC Leader

Donald McCormick of the McCormick Co. has been elected to succeed Jim Beam of Orange as president of the 29th annual Pacific Coast Builders Conference. McCormick is currently the president of the Building Industry Assn. of Superior California Inc., Sacramento.

Other 1987 officers are Aaron Kolkey, Cameo Development, San Diego, first vice president and chairman of PCBC’s Gold Nugget (Best in the West) awards, and Emanuel Schatz, Braddock & Logan Associates, San Leandro, second vice president and program chairman.

Serving as directors from the Southland are Kenneth Agid, The Marketing Department, Irvine; Beam of Beam Development, Orange; Dennis Chiniaeff, Rancho California Co., Rancho California; Paula Cross, Gaskins Creative Communications, Glendale; Richard Hall, La Linda Homes, Orange; Allen Jaffe, Piedmont Construction, San Diego; Hugh Temple, the Temple Cos., Santa Monica, and Roger C. Werbel, Roger C. Werbel Inc., Monterey Park.
