
Seal Beach : Council Donates $500 to Orange Billboard Fight

Responding to a request from Orange Mayor Jess F. Perez, the Seal Beach City Council voted unanimously this week to contribute $500 toward Orange’s court battle over billboard regulation.

Characterizing the $500 as both financial and philosophical support, Perez said Thursday that he was encouraged by the donation, the second from an Orange County city in as many weeks. On April 7, the Laguna Beach City Council voted unanimously to kick in $2,500 toward the costs of Orange’s lawsuit.

During the last two years, the City of Orange has lost most of its court bouts with National Advertising Co. over the city’s anti-billboard ordinance. The company in July, 1985, sued the city after the city refused to allow National to put up 11 billboards along heavily traveled thoroughfares, including the Orange Freeway.


Last month a federal judge sided with the sign company, held the city in contempt of court and fined it $10,000.

Perez first wrote to Orange County’s 25 mayors in late March, asking them to help his city defend itself in an appeal of the judge’s ruling. A hearing on the appeal is set for July.

Last week, Perez said he had expanded his letter-writing campaign to include every city in California. The letters argue that the billboard issue affects a city’s right to control land-use. He was to meet Thursday night in Anaheim with the Orange County chapter of the California League of Cities.
