
‘Animals Are Victims of Slavery’

I was gratified to read the compassionate and caring article by Spence Carlsen (Editorial Pages, April 22), “Animal Are Victims of Vast Human Regulated System of Slavery,” on the plight of animals used as non-human objects. In our country and even more in other countries most animals are regarded as “things” or “tools” to be used for the convenience and greed of human beings.

Until we learn to respect animals as possessing feelings and capable of enduring pain, even as we do, we shall never advance beyond the horrifying brutality and lack of sensitivity that still exists in the vast majority of humans. If each person would put himself in the place of one animal, be it dog, cat, primate or any other, and imagine his feelings if he were tortured or ill-treated, wouldn’t we all be kinder to those who are unable to speak for themselves? Let us show some humanity for all animals, domestic or wild, and prove that we are worthy of the esteem in which we like to hold ourselves.


Manhattan Beach
