

. . . In its current catalogue, the Joffrey Ballet quotes Her-Ex critic Sasha Anawalt on “The Clowns” (“a ballet of astonishing technical complexity and beauty,” etc.), right alongside Clive Barnes’ N.Y. Times rave. Problem is, the ballet hasn’t been produced since 1975. Anawalt told us she saw it in 1968, when she was barely a teen-ager. (And note that Barnes left the Times in 1977.) Turns out that Joffrey sought quotes from Anawalt over the phone--then turned them (with her OK) into what looks like a review excerpt.

. . . Even Paul Moyer grumped (on the air!) to a co-anchor about having to use KABC news time to endlessly plug the station’s “Eye on L.A.” 3-D bikini extravaganza.

. . . Wasn’t it an odd juxtaposition on “Good Morning America” last week to schedule a series of interviews with seven-times-betrothed Liz Taylor on the same days as its series on “Singles in America”?
