
Carter Hawley Shifts Kasen to Emporium

Carter Hawley Hale Stores said Friday that Stewart M. Kasen, 47, president and CEO of the company’s Thalhimer Bros. division, will become president and CEO of the Emporium Capwell unit on June 1, replacing David H. Folkman, who has resigned.

Michael C. Weisberg, president of the Weinstock’s division, will succeed Kasen as president and chief executive of Thalhimers, also effective June 1. The company said a replacement for Weisberg, 41, will be named later.

Thalhimers, with headquarters in Richmond, Va., operates 24 stores in southern Virginia, North and South Carolina and Tennessee. Emporium Capwell has 22 stores in the San Francisco area, and Weinstock’s, based in Sacramento, runs 12 stores in northern California, Nevada and Utah.


Separately, U.S. Venture Partners said Folkman, 52, has joined the firm as a general partner. The venture capital company, based in Menlo Park, Calif., specializes in high technology and specialty retailing.
