

Your report that the TV networks won’t run ads for guns is news to me (Outtakes, by Charles A. Johnson, May 31).

I always thought gun company advertising departments were too stupid to think anyone would be interested. Target shooting with air guns and .22s is gaining great popularity across the country because small colleges find that it’s the cheapest sport to add, to attain NCAA Division I status. Most of the kids get into it through the Jaycees Gun Safety program.

There’s more to guns than cop shows and Dirty Harry movies. Even though we’re urbanized, and now shoot on indoor ranges, it’s still an American tradition to start the little kids off with BB guns and .22s. Because traditional bull’s-eye target shooting attracts shy, brainy, introverted children who would go to pieces if anyone came to watch, local gun clubs don’t dare publicize match news. But I thought gun companies just figured BB guns and .22s were dumb kids’ stuff, not worth wasting the money on for TV ads.


Thanks for letting me know it’s the networks’ fault.


