
Special Interest in Ordinary Men

The front page of The Times special and colorful supplement (June 10) honoring fathers selected by the West Coast Father’s Day Council caught my eye and I read it with interest.

I do not want to diminish the contributions made by these important men. However, the stories that followed--the older father and the plight of the single father--were much more meaningful to me and added to my definition of “father.”

I would like to read more human interest articles about the ordinary man as depicted in these two stories.


When our four children were small, my husband worked full time completing his master’s degree in night school to “ensure a better life for our family.” When I had the need to finish my education, he understood and supported me in all ways. It was not without difficulty and adjustment on his part that he expanded his role to include father-and-a-half and part-time homemaker.

The lectures about right vs. wrong that he delivered to our teen-agers, I know at times fell on deaf ears. But the example of what a man can be can never be taken from them.

I know there are more men like him out there.


Laguna Beach
