
Long Beach Council to Take Lead in Promoting Anti-Drug Rally

As part of the national “Say No to Drugs” campaign, the Long Beach City Council has agreed to promote “a major anti-drug rally” scheduled Oct. 24.

“As we are all painfully aware, the problem of drug use among the youth of this community is of crisis proportions,” Councilman Ray Grabinski said in a letter to his colleagues.

The council agreed to take the lead in working on the “Long Beach DAREs to Say No” rally, which Grabinski said would attract thousands and “probably be the biggest event in Long Beach in 20 years.”


In the past two months, the proposed rally has received the support of the Long Beach Naval Station, which volunteered to stage the event, as well as officials from the Long Beach Unified School District, the police and the Chamber of Commerce, according to Grabinski. The business community and others are expected to finance the event.
