
Peace Plans for Central America

Your editorial (“Looking at the Glow,” Aug. 9) commenting on the Central American peace plan by their five presidents misses two crucial points. The contras are forbidden to receive American aid, but the Sandinistas may continue to receive Soviet military aid, Libyan terrorist aid, and all other foreign aid.

Also, you allude to “negotiations” by necessity taking time beyond Sept. 30. That stage has been finished. It is now up to both sides to comply with the plan’s outlines. If the Sandinistas are not in full compliance with the Wright-Reagan Plan, we ought to provide the contras and Miskito Indians with $200 million in military aid at once and proceed to let the Sandinistas know that America wants democracy in Nicaragua, not communism.

The Sandinista twisting of the news must end. They must stop claiming that the contras are drug smugglers, and they must accept the truth that Sandinistas supplement their military funding by smuggling cocaine and marijuana into the United States.


The Sandinistas are the villains in this civil war, and the sooner America realizes this the better.


La Jolla
