
Irvine : Irvine Grant to Support New UCI Lecture Series

UC Irvine announced that a $50,000 “challenge grant” from the Irvine Co. has provided funds for a wide-ranging new lecture series on campus and has helped spur increased alumni donations.

The Irvine Co. pledged to match alumni contributions to UCI up to a total of $50,000 as part of the fund-raising campaign begun in October by the UCI Foundation, campus officials said. UCI alumni raised more than that amount.

“The Irvine Co. established the challenge grant in order to join with UCI alumni in benefiting their alma mater,” said Frank L. Smith, vice president of community affairs for the Irvine Co.


“The results are both increased alumni support and participation in broader university issues. In addition, the lecture series will continue to add to the overall prestige of the campus and the community,” Smith said.

The Irvine Co. grant will be invested by the UCI Foundation and administered by the UCI Alumni Assn. The alumni association will work with the company to coordinate the new lecture series, which is scheduled to begin next spring, university officials said.

“We’re looking forward to putting together a series that brings noteworthy national and international experts from business, politics, the news media and other areas to campus to speak about topical issues,” alumni director James Stofan said.
