
Tirman on Peace Efforts

It is refreshing to read an Op-Ed Page article like “Peace Community Is Now a Force,” by John Tirman (Sept. 28). He writes clearly and without rancor or prejudice.

For example, he not only refers to the 1986 election as a clue to the changes in the voting in Congress, but also refers to a shift in public opinion which is also reflected in recent polls.

In the paragraph which says, “The network of local activists has been complimented by the initiatives of larger and more sophisticated organizations,” he must be speaking, among others, of Beyond War. This rapidly growing foundation began in the Palo Alto area and is now international in scope and has used satellite TV to bring its worker together on several occasions. The next Spacebridge is scheduled for Oct. 24.


The Nobel prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is another group which has substituted an intellectual approach to search for a logical replacement for the killing of a nation’s youth.

Perhaps we are replacing the hysteria of Red-baiting and the polarization between the so-called left and right with a form of sanity which will allow nations to substitute reason and understanding in the place of confrontation.


San Diego
