
Senate Judiciary Committee Votes No on Judge Bork

Ex-Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell who appeared before the Senate committee as a close friend and endorser of Bork, said it all. Coming from the mouth of a pro-Borker, we should listen. He said he would like to see judges who “understood that not all my rights come from the Constitution.” The right to be left alone by government is older than the Constitution and protected by it even if not specifically mentioned therein.

Bork’s cast-in-concrete positions seems to be, if it ain’t in the Constitution it just ain’t; and he will die defending while we citizens slowly asphyxiate. Senators wake up! He also means to cut off your oxygen, too. He thinks Presidents should rule their fiefdoms without interference from Congress. Send Bork back to the appellate court where he can’t make or influence constitutional law, and let Ronnie know that while he is undeniably our President, he is not yet this country’s first emperor.


Santa Monica
