
‘Where’s the Beef?’ Zaccaro Defense Asks; Rests Case

Associated Press

A defense lawyer ridiculed the bribery case against John A. Zaccaro in closing arguments today, echoing the rallying cry of Walter F. Mondale’s 1984 primary campaign by asking jurors, “Where’s the beef?”

“Every one of the witnesses that was called by the people--every one of them--said something here that would lead you to believe that my client committed no crime,” lawyer Robert Morvillo said.

“So I say to you again: ‘Where’s the beef?’ Where’s the crime? Where’s the proof? What are we doing here?’ ” he said.


Zaccaro, husband of unsuccessful 1984 Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine A. Ferraro, is charged with working with the late Queens Borough President Donald Manes in trying to solicit a bribe from Cablevision Systems Corp. in return for the Queens cable franchise.
