
Kasparov Takes 8th Game, Evens Title Match 4-4

World chess champion Gary Kasparov evened the score Tuesday with challenger Anatoly Karpov by winning the adjourned eighth game of the world championship match in Seville, Spain.

Each player has won two games, and four games have ended in a draw. Thus the score is tied, 4-4. Six wins or 12 1/2 points are needed for victory in the 24-game match.

Tuesday’s session lasted less than an hour, as Kasparov needed only eight moves to capitalize on the winning advantage he had obtained in the first session Monday. The decisive breakthrough actually began with Move 42, the move before adjournment. Karpov’s team of analysts studied the position overnight but could not find a defense.


The ninth game is scheduled for today. Here are the moves in the eighth game:

Kasparov-Karpov 8: 1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 d6 3 g3 c5 4 Bg2 Nc6 5 a3 g6 6 b4 Bg7 7 Rb1 Nge7 8 e3 0-0 9 d3 Rb8 10 Nge2 Be6 11 b5 Na5 12 Bd2 b6 13 0-0 Nb7 14 e4 Kh8 15 Qc1 f5 16 Bg5 Qe8 17 Bxe7 Qe7 18 exf5 Bxf5 19 Nd5 Qd7 20 Qd2 Na5 21 Nec3 Rbe8 22 Ne4 Nb7 23 a4 Na5 24 h4 Nb7 25 Kh2 Rb8 26 Ra1 Na5 27 Ra3 Rf7 28 Qc3 Rd8 29 Ra2 Bh6 30 Ng5 Rff8 31 Re2 Bg7 32 Qc2 Rde8 33 Ne3 Bh6 34 Bd5 Bg7 35 Qd1 h6 36 Ne4 Qd8 37 Ra2 Bc8 38 Nc3 h5 39 Be4 Re6 40 Ncd5 Bh6 41 Ng2 Kg7 42 f4 exf4 (sealed) 43 Ngxf4 Re5 44 Nxg6 Rxf1 45 Qxf1 Rxe4 46 dxe4 Kxg6 47 Rf2 Qe8 48 e5 dxe5 49 Rf6+ Kg7 50 Rd6, Black resigns.
