
Taxi Service

Once again cabs are making news because of poor service and once again the proposed salvation is a new company.

Both assumptions are wrong.

As a former vice president with the old yellow cab company and with 20 years in the taxi industry, I can tell you very simply how to improve service in Los Angeles.

Existing cab companies with good performance records, such as Checker Cab and L.A. Taxi, have been begging the city to allow them to increase their cab fleets to improve taxi service and have been denied this request by the Transportation Commission. Presently there is a freeze on the number of cabs any company can put on the street. If 80 or 90 or 100 additional cabs are needed, simply allow the existing companies that are meeting the rules and regulations of the city to expand their fleets.


Service will improve immediately and the need for a new company will not exist and the City Council can get on to more important matters.


Panorama City
