
Gianulias Has 119-Pin Lead in Women’s Bowling

Nikki Gianulias of Vallejo, Calif., took a 119-pin lead over Lisa Wagner of Palmetto, Fla., Wednesday after the fourth round of the Ladies Touring Players Assn. Active West Invitational at Carter Bowl in Fullerton.

Gianulias averaged 234 for eight games and pushed her total to 7,851 pins for 34 games. She finished 255-255-257 after opening the set with a 153 and stands 10-6 in match play.

Wagner was second with 7,732 pins, 109 ahead of third-place Cindy Coburn of Buffalo, N.Y.

The final eight match games are scheduled for this morning, to be followed by the stepladder finals among the top five bowlers.
