
Curious, but ‘Not Shocked,’ at Story

It was with idle curiosity, but very little shock, that I read the article about Norwalk City Councilman (Marcial (Rod)) Rodriguez using city staff time and an official city press release to announce his withdrawal from the 63rd Assembly District race (Times, Feb. 21).

I say idle curiosity because I like to read about news in Norwalk. I felt no shock over this piece of information because somehow, some way, anything a city councilman does can be termed “official city business” and thereby justified to use city materials and staff time.

I know, because I interned part time in the Norwalk public information office from 1984 to 1986. I wrote many press releases, and photographed city councilmen at various events (pertinent to city affairs and not . . .) simply because I was told to do so. So, please don’t pick on Gary Brackle. He is just following orders. Go for the guys who give the orders!


I believe that Councilman Rodriguez was wrong for using city staffers’ time and an official Norwalk press release to announce his withdrawal from the Assembly race.

I think Norwalk (and each city, for that matter) should re-examine and determine in writing the full extent of “privileges” each elected official is allowed to take. Clearly some are misusing the privilege, and are ruining it for everyone--colleagues and constituency.


