
Goodman on Richard Nixon

Well, Goodman is at it again, bashing Nixon. The virulence of her leftist bile and bigotry is reminiscent of Pavlov’s dogs.

It is Goodman and her fellow travelers, thinking with their emotions, who owe Nixon an apology. The anti-war demonstrators and media which demanded we abandon a nation and 55,000 American dead owe Nixon, Americans and the people of Vietnam an apology for the boat people, the murderous Khmer Rouge, and totalitarian communism. Watergate and Dow Chemical’s Napalm don’t even rank against the terror unleashed by the “peace-loving nation of North Vietnam” and its fellow Cambodian communists.

We can certainly add to Goodman’s list of violence done to the Constitution. What constitutional benefit derives from special prosecutors, above the law, responsible to no one, examining only the executive branch? How about a legal system that enforces discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race and income in the name of equality? A gerrymandered Congress, impervious to the civil rights legislation it passes? The War Powers Act and the Boland Amendment? Public financing of elections? These are certainly intrusions into our Constitution and more dangerous by far than Watergate.



Los Angeles
