
Sour Note Sounded

Michael Granberry’s glib comments in your San Diego At-Large column April 26 indicated that cosmetology majors take precedence over music majors at City College. His reference was to alleged cuts in our music program. Had he checked the facts, he would have discovered that the only cuts made in the music department were in recreational-type classes in which students enroll over and over again at taxpayers’ expense. These classes do not lead to a degree or certificate, unlike most of our courses offered in the sciences, liberal arts and vocational education.

The music program is intact at City College, and you may be certain that programs including Beethoven, Mozart et al leading to a certificate, to a degree and to employment will continue to take precedence over recreational courses, consistent with the California Master Plan for Higher Education.

I would suggest in the future that Granberry consider the accuracy of his information prior to his feeble attempts at humor.




San Diego City College
