
The Campaign for a Seat in 40th Congressional District

As a resident of Orange County, I would like to express my concern regarding Arthur B. Calvahouse’s letter to the editor (May 1). Calvahouse, a member of the President’s Counsel (in Washington), took it upon himself to clarify Chris Cox’s role as another member of the President’s Counsel. He stated that this was a major question being raised by the voters of Orange County.

Unfortunately, Calvahouse is truly misinformed. The voters in the 40th District are not interested in what Cox did for our illustrious but outgoing Reagan Administration. Actually, the question that I’ve heard regarding Cox’s candidacy is, “What exactly has he done for the voters of Orange County?” This is a fair question, and it’s one that we should pose to all of the candidates.

U.S. congressional districts were purposely structured with two-year terms to ensure complete representation of each district. We must elect a congressman who knows the people, the issues at hand and the issues to come in the 40th District. Anything less is an embarrassment and a danger to us and our children. Thanks, Mr. Calvahouse, but we don’t need your help understanding what’s important in our district.


