
‘Crafty’ Soviet Visitors to U.S.

In regard to the letters (May 8) criticizing the event organized by the National Issues Forum, the Kettering Foundation and Beyond War, I find these unfavorable attitudes both pitiable and archaic.

Even if we were to accept the promise that the Soviet visitors were “crafty” and sophisticated “manipulators” speaking to “gullible” and uninformed Americans, the sponsors of the dialogue should be praised rather than condemned for their efforts toward bridging the gap between us.

Breaking down barriers of mistrust and hostility is essential. Why? Because in this era of technological advancement, our very existence is at stake!


A first step toward perpetuation of the human species is the realization that we are interdependent and must behave in new ways to guarantee the continuance of life on Earth. Dialogue and face-to-face encounters between opposing forces is the most constructive means of tearing down prejudice and finding common denominators of interest and need. Peaceful coexistence is the goal. And the bottom line is survival.


Corona del Mar
