
2 Neighborhoods to Decide Annexation by Glendora

idents of two small neighborhoods in unincorporated areas adjoining Glendora will be able to decide whether they want to belong to the city on Tuesday.

In both areas, more than 25% of the registered voters protested the city’s proposed annexation, necessitating the vote.

The larger of the two neighborhoods consists of 71 homes along the western edge of Glendora, where the city recently abandoned its efforts to annex two areas after more than half of the registered voters protested the annexations. The area, known as Annexation District No. 76, is on the east side of Barranca Avenue and bounded by Bridwell and Orangepath streets and Vecino Avenue.


The other area, Annexation District No. 144, contains 41 homes on the southeast corner of the city. The neighborhood is bounded on the west by Lone Hill Avenue, on the east by Tressy Avenue and includes portions of Linfield, Duell and Kenoma streets.
