
California’s Budget Shortfall

The furor over the California budget shortfall is another indication of the narrow-minded fantasyland thinking of our governor and Legislature. Wasn’t it only moments ago that Gov. George Deukmejian gave away a goodly sum of money to all of us lucky Californians? A few bucks to the poor and a larger sum, of course, to those whose income demanded it.

Things now come full circle. Our government will now find a way to take the money back, but with a slight twist. The few bucks will come back from the haves, and the less fortunate will pay a greater part of the ransom. This embarrassment of financial juggling will get lost in arguments over whether the citizens’ “rebate” to the government is a “tax” or a “non-tax,” and the real sufferers will be forgotten.

Isn’t it about time our administrators were forced to answer for their incompetence and deception? If this were a business, Deukmejian and a few other people would find their walking papers in their paychecks. But it’s not and they won’t.



Los Angeles
