
When Law Clerks Make $1,100 a Week, Something Is Truly Amiss in This World

I was plucking out the business section from the June 11 Times to throw it away, as usual, when a headline about summer law clerks caught my eye. Then I noticed a picture of my classmate John Shaffer, and a quote from another classmate, Sheri Ungar. Having also just completed my second year at Boalt Hall at UC Berkeley, I am quite aware of the perks offered to summer clerks at big L.A. firms.

As a student who despises corporate America, I cannot begrudge any of my classmates for making nearly as much in a week as I made in a month ($1,453) at the Orange County public defender’s office. But I tell myself that perhaps I will be happier in a year doing something I want to do, instead of working 60-70 hours a week defending corporate slime.


