
County Board of Education Elects Officers to Fill Top 2 Positions

Lawrence J. Kaplan of Covina has been elected president of the Los Angeles County Board of Education.

Ruth Bloom of Marina del Rey has been chosen vice president of the 7-member board.

Members of the board are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors and serve 4-year terms. They make policy and budget decisions for the county Office of Education, which provides instructional and other educational services to the county’s 82 public school districts, 13 community colleges, special education and juvenile court schools, and the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.

Kaplan, 61, replaces outgoing President Mary E. Lewis. Kaplan, a dentist, has been on the board since 1976. This is his third term as president.


A member of the board since 1980, Bloom headed the body in 1984-85. A former teacher, Bloom, 44, operates an art gallery in Santa Monica.
