
Dealing With L.A. Gangs

As a resident of Southern California for all of my 54 years and as a high school teacher for almost three decades, I watched the recent “summit” meeting of the two major Los Angeles gangs with great interest (Metro, July 29).

Repeatedly, the news media carried the message from this meeting that jobs will possibly solve this explosive situation.

The unfortunate side of this problem is quite simple: What are these gang members qualified to do? Many are dropouts; their writing skills are minimal at best. How are their thinking skills? Remember, these same individuals are the ones who were not at school, or were in the dean’s office. Not to mention the homework or lack of the same that was not done.


Thus, my question is: Who will hire them? And to do what? If these hoodlums are dreaming of starting their new jobs at $12-$15 an hour, I think they will be sadly mistaken. And what will their reaction be when informed they may be starting at minimum wage?

I wonder if they will have the perseverance to stick with the job. Or will the call of illegal drugs and the tremendous cash flow and/or welfare’s sirens call drown out the thrashings of an honest day’s work?


