
AssemblyFloor Action:Beer: Passed and sent to the...

<i> Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times staff writer </i>


Floor Action:

Beer: Passed and sent to the governor on a 62-2 vote a bill (AB 2377) by Assemblyman Stan Statham (R-Oak Run) to allow breweries to conduct beer tastings on their premises and in other locations for charitable events sponsored by nonprofit organizations.

AIDS: Passed and returned to the Senate for concurrence in amendments on a 61-0 vote a bill (SB 1002) by Sen. John Doolittle (R-Rocklin) to make it a felony offense to donate blood, semen, breast milk or body organs to another person if the donor knows that he or she is infected with the AIDS virus.

Small Claims Court: Passed and sent to the governor on a 61-0 vote a bill (AB 1913) by Assemblyman Elihu Harris (D-Oakland) to increase the current $1,500 small claims court action ceiling to $2,000 next year and $2,500 in 1991 with certain exceptions.


Voting: Passed and returned to the Senate for concurrence in amendments on a 41-31 vote a bill (SB 172) by Sen. Ed Davis (R-Valencia) to make it a misdemeanor offense for any candidate or representative of a candidate to solicit the vote of an absentee voter while the voter is voting.

Brown Papers: Passed and sent to the governor on a 62-6 vote a bill (AB 1767) by Assemblyman Pat Nolan (R-Glendale) to allow former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to donate his papers to USC.

Taxes: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 61-0 vote a resolution (AJR 81) by Assemblyman William P. Duplissea (R-San Carlos) requesting Congress to require the Internal Revenue Service to develop an easily understood salary and wage withholding (W-4) form.


Committee Action:

Driver’s Licenses: The Transportation Committee approved a bill (SB 2802) by Sen. Gary Hart (D-Santa Barbara) to require students to stay in school, get passing grades and maintain good behavior on campus in order to qualify to obtain driver’s licenses. An 8-3 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.


A New Record: Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-South San Francisco) set a new legislative record on July 18 when she gave birth to a son, Jackson Kent, who weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Speier is the first assemblywoman to give birth while in office, according to state records. She and her husband, Dr. Steve Sierra, brought the baby to the Assembly to show him off last Monday.
