

Clipboard researched by Susan Greene, Dallas Jamison, Henry Rivero and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Following is a list of the five most severe air pollution penalties assessed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District in June.

Company Penalty Violation Stepan Co. $40,000 Leak of sulfur trioxide, resulting 1208 N. Patt St., Anaheim in hospitalization of 12 nearby (industrial chemicals) residents with nausea and respiratory problems. Century Laminators $2,500 Improper use of coatings, resulting 1225 Knollwood Circle, in excessive volatile organic Anaheim compounds emissions. (fiberglass laminate maker) RSE-Sierra Switchgear $1,000 Operating paint spray booths in 641 Lunar Ave., Brea violation of permit conditions, (switching systems maker) resulting in excessive volatile organic compounds emissions. All Metals Processing $1,000 Operating a batch oven without a 8401 Standustrial Ave. permit and failure to keep Stanton adequate records. (metal finisher) Anne-Jo $800 Failure to obtain permits for paint 11400 Markon Drive spray booths. Garden Grove (decorative plaster maker)

Source: South Coast Air Quality Management District
