
SEC Athletic Directors Select Four Sites for Conference Basketball Tournaments

Associated Press

Athletic directors from the 10 Southeastern Conference schools have selected four future sites for the conference’s basketball tournament.

Conference spokesman Brad Davis said Wednesday the tournament will be held in Orlando, Fla., in 1990; Nashville, Tenn., in 1991; Birmingham, Ala., in 1992; and Lexington, Ky., in 1993.

Knoxville, Tenn., had previously been selected as the site for the 1989 tournament.

“It was pretty much the consensus among the athletic directors coming into the meeting that they would just award it for two years,” Davis said. “But after hearing the presentations from the four cities and realizing the commitment that the cities were making, both in making sure that the tournament was a success and also the financial commitments, they felt that they had four very, very strong bids.”


Davis said because of that, the athletic directors “decided to go ahead and award all four cities a tournament.”

Until recently, the SEC tournament was held each year in Birmingham, Ala. Last year, the tournament was held at Louisiana State and the year before in Atlanta.
