
Enrollment for Job Program Begins

Enrollment of eligible residents for the job-training and job-placement programs sponsored by the Foothill Private Industry Council will be operated by the state Employment Development Department Job Service office, 1207 E. Green St., Pasadena, beginning Tuesday.

Additional services, including enrollment, skill assessment, counseling and job assignment will continue at 325 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena, and at 1831 Santa Fe Place, Monrovia.

The Foothill Private Industry Council, which includes private businesses and the cities of Arcadia, Duarte, Monrovia, Pasadena, Sierra Madre and South Pasadena, has awarded the local job service office $175,000 to conduct enrollment and certification services for residents who qualify for job training and placement. The Monrovia Unified School District was awarded $75,000 to serve Arcadia, Duarte and Monrovia.
