
Bluebonnet Bowl Loses Certification for 1988 Because of Financial Problems

United Press International

The National Collegiate Athletic Assn. Council decertified the financially troubled Bluebonnet Bowl on Wednesday, ruling out a game Dec. 31, but said the postseason football game could be resumed in 1989.

“We took action, and with some reluctance, but after a number of extensions of deadlines, to decertify the Bluebonnet Bowl because they have not met their financial obligations to the institutions that have been there in the last 2 games,” NCAA President Wilford Bailey said from Kansas City, Mo., where the council announced its decision after a 3-day meeting.

The Bluebonnet Bowl could be resumed if organizers make full payments to past participants and post a $1-million letter of credit to guarantee financial stability, the council said.


The 29-year-old bowl owes $160,000 each to 1987 participants Texas and Pittsburgh, and $40,000 each to 1986 participants Baylor and Colorado.

Bluebonnet Bowl President Al Warrington said he could not comment on the decertification because he has not discussed it with the council.

On Tuesday, however, the bowl’s board of directors voted to concentrate on finding a sponsor for 1989 instead of trying to organize a bowl game this year.
