
Local News in Brief : Longtime City Treasurer to Leave

City Treasurer Howard Wohlner, 54, who has the longest tenure of any elected official in Hawthorne, has announced that he is packing it in.

Wohlner, who was appointed treasurer in 1973 and then won election three times, said he will move to Nebraska when his four-year term expires next November. He said that he wants to get away from Southern California traffic and crowds, that his wife, Rhonda, wants a climate with four seasons and that his cocker spaniels, Freckles and Maggie, need more space.

“We decided we wanted to leave California and go someplace where there is some open space,” Wohlner said. “I want to do it when I am still young enough. I see too many people waiting too long. They don’t really live to enjoy it.”


The treasurer, whose salary is $60,000, said he will serve as unpaid consultant to the city for up to six months after his term ends in November, 1989, in exchange for being paid in cash for 90 days in unused vacation time.
