
Retired Politician in New Career--as a Comedienne

Associated Press

“I’m so old my back goes out more than I do,” quips Amy Ballinger, a self-appraisal that causes her to erupt into a hearty belly laugh.

“Really, I’m old enough to be condemned,” adds the aspiring comedienne who broke into show business two years ago after she retired and was widowed.

Ballinger, a former Pittsburgh City Council member who spent a lifetime in organized labor, performs at area restaurants, clubs and condominiums--mostly during winter tourism months.


While Ballinger writes her own material, she gleans humor from everyday life, focusing on senior citizens:

“You know, I have three men: one at 46, who’s good for golf and sex; one at 66, who’s good for cards and companionship; and one at 86, who’s good for nothing.”

Ballinger makes light of problems older people encounter living alone:

“I don’t know the difference between petroleum jelly and putty. I guess that’s why my windows keep falling out.”


Ballinger says she never aspired to show business. As one of eight children, she was denied even a high school education.

“It was Depression times. I worked in a laundry for 12 cents an hour,” she recalls.
