
San Diego

Longs Drug Stores agreed Friday to pay $15,000 to settle a civil lawsuit filed against them by the San Diego County district attorney’s office, which alleged that the company used misleading advertising and unfair business practices in its newspaper supplements.

The complaint, filed Friday in San Diego Superior Court, stated that Longs published advertising supplements for the weeks ending March 5 and 19 and April 30 of 1988, containing various items available at sale prices. The ad stated that sale prices would be honored at all Longs stores in the county. The Horton Plaza store refused to honor the sale prices, according to officials at the district attorney’s office.

Without admitting guilt, the company agreed to pay $7,500 as civil penalties and another $7,500 as a reimbursement to the county for investigative and legal costs. They also ensured that any future advertisements would state clearly what stores would honor the sales items, officials said.
