
‘Make Schools Businesslike’

As a teacher, I was appalled and as a doctoral student at UCLA in education, I was embarrassed by Dean of Education Lewis C. Solmon’s comments that teachers should work harder to earn more money and that administrators’ salaries should be raised to be competitive with the private sector managers (“Make L.A. Schools Businesslike,” Op-Ed Page, Dec. 12).

If I had turned in that article to my policy class, I would have promptly and correctly been given an F. Not only is the dean badly misinformed, nowhere in that article was there anything original or scholarly; it was simply sensational, predictable, narrow, and inflammatory to teachers and their unions. Nor did he mention how the students would benefit from this new “business-like” atmosphere. When do the insults stop?

It is no wonder that classroom teachers never listen to people who hardly ever come into the classroom and talk to teachers and really listen to their problems. Dean Solmon, please stay in your “ivory tower.”



Los Angeles
